CheckTicket - document check is a mobile application that allows you to verify the validity of a 50% discount "disabled person in the third degree" issued by the CSSA.=== What discount is it ===From 1 July 2022, a new discount will be set for public rail and road transport. On the basis of this discount, passengers who receive a disability pension with a third-degree disability within the meaning of ยง 39 para. c) of Act No. 155/1995 Coll., on pension insurance, as amended, authorized to obtain travel documents when using regular connections in the field of public rail and public regular transport, with the exception of public transport, at a maximum price of 50% of the ordinary fare. According to the above-mentioned regulation, invalidity of the third degree is associated with a decrease in the working capacity of the insured by more than 70%.=== Who is entitled to the discount? ===A passenger who proves a valid confirmation containing the relevant QR code issued by the Czech Social Security Administration for his person.=== Customer Support ===Information help in case of difficulties connected with proving the discount, or with other questions, will be gladly provided by the staff of the "Customer Support Department" of the state enterprise CENDIS, which you can contact by e-mail
[email protected] or by phone +420 222 266 755. This service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.